September General Meeting



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Sept 13th 2004

Us -Too! Brampton General Meeting

"What now? Coping with the Diagnosis
and Treatment of Prostate Cancer"

Dr. Michelle Flax
Ph.D. Clinical Psychology

This top notch presentation by Dr. Michelle Flax was
attended by more than 70 members. It was a record
turnout, considering the important hockey game that night.

Michelle talked about the psychological and emotional issues individuals and couples
face once they have been given a diagnosis of prostate cancer. Her talk focused
particularly on coping strategies that are useful in dealing with these dilemmas.

Michelle stressed the fact that by coming to the group, members were already
taking advantage of one of the most important coping strategies there is - reaching
out to others for support and using the resources the community had to offer.

The major aspect of the diagnosis was coping with the anxiety and the 'what ifs'.
It was this common factor that drew the members together. Michelle elaborated
on the many ways of coping with this anxiety. Amongst the ways she offered
was distinguishing between 'useful' and 'useless' worrying and the concept of
'delayed' worrying. She also emphasized the importance of breathing,
explaining that we have no way of going into our sympathetic nervous system
other than through our breathing. To illustrate this important concept Michelle
conducted, with member participation, deep breathing techniques and relaxation
exercises designed to reduce anxiety levels. She illustrated her talk with
many real life examples and stories.

The talk also addressed the sexual concerns of both partners and offered
advise on dealing with those concerns and the importance of communication.

The second part of her talk - the question and answer session - was highly interactive.
In the spirit of learning and sharing it drew the best out of the audience with many
members opening up not only on thier concerns and fears but also elaborating and
sharing their experiences, just exactly what the event was expecetd to do.

Dr. Michelle Flax is focused jointly with Dr. Stanley Flax on a program which
she has created to help those diagnosed with prostate cancer.
Leaflets explaining the program were distributed at the event.

Dr. Michelle Flax holds a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology and is registered
with the College of Psychologists. She has a private practice in Toronto and is
also on the faculty at the Toronto Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis.
She has extensive experience in dealing with couples and individuals who have
had to face such life altering crises.

This, the first event of our season's opening turned out to be an excellent evening!
Those of you who missed it will be pleased to know that recording may now
be downloaded from the links in the meeting archives
or from the Audio Downloads section of the our website.

Audio CDs of Michelle's session are under process and
will soon be available at the Brampton Library.
The call number will be announced once known




Library call number: Audiobook 616.99463 Fla.



Prostate Cancer Canada Network - Brampton
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