January General Meeting



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Jan 13th 2009
Us -Too! Brampton General Meeting 

Around 25 members, wives & guests attended a presentation
organized by Wellspring Foundation for our Chapter.

                    Judi Perry Brinkert                                         Jane Thomas Yager                        


Roy Robertson

Representing Wellspring were Judi Perry Brinkert, Regional Director for Wellspring Cancer
Support Foundation, Jane Thomas Yager program leader of the Healing Journey Program
and Roy Robertson, a prostate cancer survivor and Healing Journey co-facilitator.

Judi provided the audience with an overview of Wellspring, how it came about, their mission,
the support services and programs and their operations at various locations in Canada.
Wellspring's programs are of diverse nature, featuring both drop-ins and registered
and range from the well known Healing Journey to Tai -Chi and Yoga and extend even
into the field of Art Therapy. The programs are free of charge and open to
individuals and caregivers who are coping with any type of cancer, at any stage.
Judi detailed these programs and services so our members could avail of them as needed.

Jane Yager provided an in depth coverage of the Healing Journey program from
its conception and development by Dr. Cunningham and how the program
helped to cope and overcome many of the deep rooted anxieties and fears
following a Cancer diagnosis. She described the goals and milestones
accomplished as one journeyed through levels 1 to 5 of the program towards
an inner healing process, the time frames and where and when one could
avail the program. As part of her presentation Jane also let us view, in part,
a Video showing a real life interactive session in a group setting relating to the
Healing Journey program.

Roy Robertson, a prostate cancer survivor, spoke with great emotion about his
cancer journey and how the Healing Journey had benefited him.
Roy was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 1995 and after being introduced
to the Healing Journey program through Princess Margaret Hospital in 1998,
he not only completed levels 1 through 4, he became a peer support
volunteer and Co- Facilitator for Wellspring, Halton - Peel.

The seeds of this evening's event trace back to an initial meeting and tour, early
last year, by our Steering committee of the newly opened and very impressive
Wellspring Chingacousy facility. A commonality of our goals and purpose
was immediately felt as was the scope for cooperative efforts. We made
a modest beginning by sharing our speakers listing with Wellspring and it
is posted up at their centers to actively promote our meetings to visitors.

It was to further such cooperation that this evening was planned, the idea being
to bring first hand awareness to our members about Wellspring and facilitate
participation in the Healing Journey and other programs. Turn out this evening
was diminished, as of course many January and February events are, by foul
weather conditions. There was also a hockey game on that evening. Nonetheless
much interest was generated in what Wellspring had to offer based not only on
member's questions but by the interaction with Wellspring's representatives.
Brochures were available for members and they could also enroll on the spot
if they wished to. Many members expressed strong interest and we certainly
hope more will, as word spreads over time, take advantage of the excellent
programs Wellspring has to offer.

For more information please visit:

Our Grateful thanks to
Judi Brinkert, Jane Yager
and Roy Robertson
for their time and effort in providing excellent information to our group.




Prostate Cancer Canada Network - Brampton
  · Tel: 905- 453-3038  · Fax: 905-840-9474 · Email:  info@pccnbrampton.com
© Prostate Cancer Canada Network-Brampton, All Rights Reserved